
Saturday, September 29, 2012

SPRINT - last microwave contest of the season

I have attended the SPRINT contest from YMCA parking lot in EM48sq on Saturday, September 29, 2012. This was my last microwave activity of the season, for I have to make series of business trips for the rest of the year.

I have achieved one significant goal today - finally, after nearly a year of trying and trying, I have worked Zack W9SZ on 10GHz CW from his location in EN50rl, over 160 miles away. This is my grid #6 from my YMCA location. Thanks for all the patience, Zack!

More details about today's SLAMS club event are available here.

My station today

Terrain profile

Hepburn chart

Weather conditions

Vapor image
(I believe that this made the difference)

73 Herbert

Sunday, September 9, 2012

ARRL VHF Contest

I have spent several hours making QSOs in the ARRL VHF Contest today. Chosen location for this was Winfield, MO in EM49 once again. I went there to test this new location on 23cm and for another attempt on 10GHz with Garth W0GR. There were several attempts made during last two weeks, see my other posting here. There even was a successful attempt earlier this week, described in my posting here.


I have heard Garth on 10368.1 MHz about S2-3 in the morning, right at the sunrise in my location. My dish antenna was pointing 5deg. up. Generally, Garth's signal was much weaker than during our last successful attempt earlier this week. Neither Garth nor myself have copied the WB9PNU/B beacon on 10GHz this morning. We didn't make full 2-way QSO today.

Pointing 270deg. towards W0GR

Garth didn't copy my signal on 10GHz this morning. However, we managed to work each other on 144MHz, 432MHz and 1296MHz with solid copy on each band. 

Eggbeater for 144 and Yagi for 1296 and 432MHz

I have also worked John WB9PNU from his home in EM48tm on 144, 432 and 1296MHz and Jim N5MU who was testing another promising portable location in St. Peters area, EM48qr on 144 and 1296MHz.

Pointing  432/1296MHz at John/Jim in EM48

Overall, a successful test, even without complete 10GHz QSO with W0GR. It's nearly 200 miles to his location and we managed full 2-way contact on 1296MHz, after all.

Included below are pictures from the nearby River Dam and Lock in Winfield.

I will certainly return to this beautiful location, either for more HAM QSOs or just to enjoy the view of the huge Mississippi River!

73 Herbert

Thursday, September 6, 2012

ARRL VHF and SPRINT Microwave Contests

I will be QRV on 144-432-1296 and 10368 from EM49pa in the ARRL VHF Contest this coming Sunday 09/09 between 6:30am - approx. 10:00am.

Going to a series of business trips after that. However, I should be in St. Louis for last weekend of September.

I expect to attend SPRINT Microwave contest on Saturday 09/29 from EM48 and EM49 as a ROVER, using 1296 and 10368 only. My intention is to MOVE around EM49 in order to find good new location and also make at least one QSO from EM48 to qualify for the ROVER category.

That will be the end of my microwave activities this year. Not even a MAD activity until February. Might be able to attend SLAMS breakfast on Sunday, 12/02.

Looking forward for QSOs with you!

73 Herbert