
Saturday, August 20, 2011

ARRL Microwave Contest 2011 1/2

First portion of the ARRL 10GHz+ microwave contest was a success. We have had 5 stations with 10GHz dishes here in St. Louis plus one visiting close to our area. Plenty of QSOs were made!

Picture shows (left-to-right) dishes of:


On other hilltops working us were:

   WB9PNU with KO0Z and W9SZ

Sunday, August 14, 2011

ARRL Microwave Contest 2011 1/2

Next  big contest is 2011 ARRL 10GHz+ Contest (1/2) .

This is a long contest, third full weekend of August. Begins 6:00 am local on Saturday, ends 12:00 Midnight local on Sunday (August 20-21, 2011). Operations may take place for 24 hours total.

All authorized microwave bands from 10 GHz up through Light.

SLAMS will meet at local DENNY's restaurant on Dorsett Rd. (just off I-270) on Saturday at 6:00 am for quick breakfast and continue to EM48sq (big parking lot at YMCA on McKelvey Rd.). Some of us will stay there, some will move around the area later during the day.